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Je donne des cours d'instruments (flûte, thérémine, piano), des cours théoriques (solfège, contrepoint, composition, programmation d'échantillons), ainsi que des coachings professionnels.

Je maintiens un studio d'enseignement très actif avec des élèves débutants allant aux professionnels.  Pour savoir si j'accepte des nouveaux élèves en ce moment, ou pour des séances de coaching, ateliers ou classes de mâtre, veuillez utiliser la page contacte.  

I teach instrumental classes (flute, theremin, piano), theory classes (solfège, counterpoint, composition, sample programming), as well as professional coachings.


I keep an active teaching studio with students ranging from beginner to professional. To find out if i'm currently accepting new students, or for coaching sessions, workshops or master classes, please use the contact page.

Aleks Schürmer Grégoire Blanc theremin workshop masterclass

From Etherweekend (2018) where French thereminist Grégoire Blanc and I gave a series of Theremin introductory workshops to the general public and more specialized masterclasses for intermediate thereminists at the Schulich School of Music at McGill University.

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